About me

I am a Computer Engineer by trade. I enjoy solving complex problems and I can't stop learning new things! I am extremely interested in Internet of Things (IoT), Artificial Intelligence (AI)/Machine Learning (ML) and am a huge fan of automating as many tasks as possible, making life just that much more fancier and easier! I have also done a couple of web-dev projects and am comfortable with several frameworks and libraries. I am keen on learning more about Human-Computer Interactions and continuously upgrading myself in the area of AI/Machine Learning and IoT.


  1. National University of Singapore

    2019 — 2023

    Bachelors of Engineering (B.Eng) in Computer Engineering, Honors (Distinction)
    Specialization in Internet of Things (IoT)

    Teaching Assistant in AY2022/23 (Refer to work experience for more info)

  2. National University of Singapore

    2019 — 2023

    University Scholars Programme

    A rigorous interdisciplinary programme, whereby only 3% from each cohort in NUS get selected. The programme enhances the learning ability of students through intellectual breadth and depth; develop their curiosity to learn new things beyond their specialization; and enables them to analyse and integrate multidisciplinary knowledge in their problem-solving approach with a more holistic perspective.

  3. Stanford University Online, DeepLearning.AI

    2022 — 2023

    Machine Learning Specialization

    Supervised Machine Learning (linear regression, logistic regression)
    Advanced Learning Algorithms (neural networks, decision trees)
    Unsupervised Learning (clustering, anomaly detection, recommender system, reinforcement learning)

  4. KTH Royal Institute of Technology

    2021 — 2022

    NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC) Sweden

    The NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC) is NUS's flagship global entrepreneurship-development program. By giving students the opportunity to work in exciting and innovative companies while taking courses in prestigious partner universities, NOC hopes to groom leaders and entrepreneurs that will make a difference to the economy and society. A training ground for future entrepreneurs, programme alumni have founded more than 600 start-ups to date.

  5. Hanyang University


    Winter Exchange



Work Experience

  1. Singapore Airlines Engineering Company

    Digital & Continuous Improvement Executive

    June 2023 — Present

    > Tasked to look at business processes to reduce inefficiencies, saving cost and man hours
    > Trained in lean framework and JIRA
    >Automated the process of manual data entry and recommendation via python saving 2 man hours per week

  2. Predicting Fencing Movements

    Research Assistant

    March 2023 — Present

    > Use of various ML models (CNN, RNN, LSTM) to validate and optimize prediction of fencing actions collected via IMU sensors

  3. National University of Singapore

    Teaching Assistant

    August 2022 — April 2023

    > TR4049 Seminars in Entrepreneurship - Lean Startup: Market Validation
    > CS2113 Software Engineering & Object Oriented Programming [OOP]

    > Conducted tutorials, graded assignments and provided consultations covering OOP, software engineering principles; as well as lean startup and market validation concepts

  4. Sweden Foodtech

    Technical Consultant Intern

    August 2021 — June 2022

    > Developed an event based mobile application (Flutter, Firebase)
    > Consulted on digital transformation to internal processes (e.g. automating repetitive tasks; single source of truth database)
    > Updated and maintained company’s website; revamped and maintained event website
    > Created mood boards for company presentations
    > Worked with technical providers to ensure smooth sailing of websites
    > Assisted in the running of Big Meet, an annual FoodTech conference that has brought over 500 participants

  5. Singapore Airlines Engineering Company

    Intern, Innovation & Technology Division

    May 2021 — August 2021

    > Focused on digital transformation from a project management perspective
    > Digitized & automated internal workbench processes through PowerAutomate
    > Created Excel templates to automate evaluation of vendors Request for Proposal (RfP) and tender processes
    > Automated Audit reports and data collection for Quality Division (Investigation Team)

  6. Government Data Office, Smart Nations & Digital Government Office

    Intern, Government Data Office

    October 2020 — December 2020

    > Revamped and reorganized an internal Data Management Portal, to present updated resources to the Government’s data community, such as the Chief Data Officers of each Government agency
    > Developed whole-of-Government policies and frameworks to promote using data securely
    > Identified and drove new initiatives to improve the exchange of Government data with commercial partners and the public.
    > Performed data analysis with regard to some COVID-19 operations

  7. Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme

    Research Assistant

    August 2020 — April 2021

    > Use of Machine Learning (ML) to validate demand & supply forecasting for dynamic resource planning

Technical Expertise

  • Programming Languages/OS

  • Software Engineering

  • Web Development

  • Hardware Development


  • Image of LaserTag++ game in action


    Python | C | MQTT | Jupyter Notebook | Pandas

    With a budget of $250, we came up with a laser tag game with gesture detection (for reload, grenade, shield and logout actions). We produced an immersive game experience that fuses both the modern First Person Shooter (FPS) games and laser tag sport. Through the use of sensory and Augmented Reality (AR) technologies, players can experience a shooting game in a simulated environment. Players will be able to interact with the environment and perform actions such as reloading, throwing grenades and raising shields, which will be visualized on a mobile device that is mounted on the gun. For a more realistic simulation, players will receive vibration and visual feedback from their vest and gun. A gameplay demo can be found here.

    View GitHub Repo

  • Wireless Neighbour Discovery

    Wireless Neighbour Discovery

    ContikiOS | C

    Implemented a quorum based neighbour discovery protocol, making use of acknowledgements and packet filtering to send light sensor readings to selected nodes via broadcast messages if they were detected for a set period of time and within a certain range. A high level technical overview can be found here.

    View GitHub Repo

  • MLP Hardware Accelerator

    Neural Network Hardware Accelerator

    Verilog | C

    Accelerated a neural network model using an FPGA, by parallelizing matrix computations. A high level technical overview can be found here.

  • BeyondVision Project fall demo


    Python | C | MQTT | Jupyter Notebook | Pandas | Flask | HTML

    BeyondVision is a proof of concept/prototype of a smart walking cane to assist the visually impaired. The walking cane sounds off when an individual is too close to other people/objects, detects fires nearby or detects when the user falls (using an IMU sensor and ML algorithm). Subsequently the location detail is sent to the next-of-kin alongside the situation (fall/panic button pressed/fire) via a telegram message. A high level technical overview can be found here.

    View GitHub Repo

  • Screenshot of Knewbie Project


    Python | Flask | HTML | CSS | JavaScript

    Hosted by NUS & suppoted by the likes of Google & Paypal, this was undertaken as a summer project. The platform employs machine learning to provide tailored educational content to PSLE Math students, ensuring they learn optimally. Out of 383 projects, Knewbie was 1 of 6 projects to be featured on the various social media accounts.

    View GitHub Repo

  • Screenshot of FPGA Development

    FPGA Development


    Used Verilog to develop an entertainment unit for a FPGA project. Features include, a tetris game, a ping-pong game as well as using a microphone to read volume and visualize volume readings in the form of waves and bars. It also contained a home screen and a lock screen which can only be unlocked when a correct sequence of buttons were pressed at the right ambient volume.

    View GitHub Repo

  • Screenshot of carpark recommendations

    Carpark Availability Recommender

    Python | Pandas

    The recommendation system targets users aiming to plan their trips early. Users will be required to provide their destination and estimated time of arrival (in terms of hours from now capped at 24 hours) and the system will provide them with the best available parking option based on distance from their destination and parking availability. A high level technical overview can be found here.

    View GitHub Repo

  • Screenshot of Success Steel Website

    Success Steel Engineering

    HTML | CSS | JavaScript

    A mobile responsive web design project as specified by client's (SUCCESS Engineering & Steel Pte. Ltd) requirements.

    View Webpage

  • Screenshot of NotUS Project



    NotUS is a Command Line Interface (CLI) based note-taking and scheduling application. NotUS allows for users to categorize notes through tags and pinning the more important notes. NotUS can also help in scheduling by highlighting potential clashes of events.

    View GitHub Repo

  • Image of Financial Trading

    Jane Street ETC


    My team, NullPointerException, won the Last Hour Challenge of the Jane Street Hackathon. We created an automated trading bot that analyzes and estimates fair values for a virtual exchange market.

    View GitHub Repo

  • Screenshot of RTOS Project

    Real-Time Operating Systems

    C++ | RTOS

    A Real-Time Operating System (RTOS) based robotic car that is controlled through an Android App, via bluetooth. It receives commands from the App and executes the corresponding response, viz. moving the car; controlling the LEDs according to the car’s status; and playing different tunes.

    View GitHub Repo

  • Image of Alex Robot


    C++ | LiDAR SLAM | Raspberry Pi

    Alex is a robot with search capabilities. Built with C++, Raspberry Pi, Arduino and is teleoperated. Used LiDAR and SLAM algorithm to generate map of the environment.

    View GitHub Repo


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